We are very proud of the accomplishments of our dog families and their owners Here is what is currently going on with our Dals and their offspring. We have had a very successful year in 2016, and want to thank and congratulate all our owners for their achievements and wish you all continued good luck.

Show wins for Luu Luu and Stacy
UKC CH Lucas Legend Blackthorn & Patch MT Right on Track (homozygous LUA) AKC/UKC CH Blackthorn & Patch MT Zen at Lucas Legend RN x CH Aberdeen's Lets Make a Deal RN RD was Winners Bitch and Best of Breed at the Springfield shows on Friday and Saturday & Sunday they were Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite. LUU LUU was shown by Stacy Threlfall. LUU LUU is owned by Sara Pruyne, Linda McSherry and Dawn Eliot Johnson. We are very proud of this lovely young Dalmatian.
UKC CH Lucas Legend Blackthorn & Patch MT Right on Track (homozygous LUA) AKC/UKC CH Blackthorn & Patch MT Zen at Lucas Legend RN x CH Aberdeen's Lets Make a Deal RN RD was Winners Bitch and Best of Breed at the Springfield shows on Friday and Saturday & Sunday they were Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite. LUU LUU was shown by Stacy Threlfall. LUU LUU is owned by Sara Pruyne, Linda McSherry and Dawn Eliot Johnson. We are very proud of this lovely young Dalmatian.
AKC/UKC CH Yankee Sebago & Patch MT's Miles to Go Monson RA, BN, CGC,TDI
(CH Yankee Sebago Nor'Easter UD/RAE x CH Patch MT's Legend in Time RN, TDX).

High in Trial for Bellwether & Patch Mt's Charles Windsor RN CGC TDX
April 8, 2017- At the Fredericton Kennel Club Show in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada Cathy and Charlie earned two legs of their Novice Obedience title . The scores for both legs were High in Class and one was High in Trial .
He is pictured with the enormous ribbon he earned with his owner Cathy Stevens and obedience judge Mrs. Sue Bosence.
We couldn't be more of this great working team!
April 8, 2017- At the Fredericton Kennel Club Show in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada Cathy and Charlie earned two legs of their Novice Obedience title . The scores for both legs were High in Class and one was High in Trial .
He is pictured with the enormous ribbon he earned with his owner Cathy Stevens and obedience judge Mrs. Sue Bosence.
We couldn't be more of this great working team!

First place for Lizzie
At the Cleveland All Breed Training Club Shows,Lizzie - GCH CH Blackthorn Patch MT's Rendezvous With Destiny CD, RE, TD CA and owner Linda Lombardi earned a first place in Rally Advanced Class. This team now has 5 of the 10 qualifying scores towards their Rally Advanced Excellent title. Lizzie was proudly bred by Sara Pruyne and Linda McSherry.
Congratulations to Linda and Lizzie.
At the Cleveland All Breed Training Club Shows,Lizzie - GCH CH Blackthorn Patch MT's Rendezvous With Destiny CD, RE, TD CA and owner Linda Lombardi earned a first place in Rally Advanced Class. This team now has 5 of the 10 qualifying scores towards their Rally Advanced Excellent title. Lizzie was proudly bred by Sara Pruyne and Linda McSherry.
Congratulations to Linda and Lizzie.

Cookie has an important job to do!
Here is "Cookie" a Lyra x Huxley daughter, relaxing after she ran a fire call with her owner Doughas a fire fighter.
Cookie has completed the Star Puppy Class and continues to work in obedience.
Good girl Cookie and keep up the honored tradition Douglas!
Here is "Cookie" a Lyra x Huxley daughter, relaxing after she ran a fire call with her owner Doughas a fire fighter.
Cookie has completed the Star Puppy Class and continues to work in obedience.
Good girl Cookie and keep up the honored tradition Douglas!

Show win for LUU LUU
UKC CH Lucas Legend Blackthorn & Patch MT Right on Track (homozygous LUA) AKC/UKC CH Blackthorn & Patch MT Zen at Lucas Legend RN x CH Aberdeen's Lets Make a Deal RN RD was winners bitch at the Lowell Kennel Club show for 2 points on Saturday, January 21,2017. LUU LUU was shown by Stacy Threlfall. LUU LUU is owned by Sara Pruyne, Linda McSherry and Dawn Eliot Johnson.
UKC CH Lucas Legend Blackthorn & Patch MT Right on Track (homozygous LUA) AKC/UKC CH Blackthorn & Patch MT Zen at Lucas Legend RN x CH Aberdeen's Lets Make a Deal RN RD was winners bitch at the Lowell Kennel Club show for 2 points on Saturday, January 21,2017. LUU LUU was shown by Stacy Threlfall. LUU LUU is owned by Sara Pruyne, Linda McSherry and Dawn Eliot Johnson.
![]() New Title for Monson
October 23rd, 2016-At the Lakes Region Kennel Club Rally Trial AKC/UKC CH Yankee Sebago & Patch MT's Miles to Go Monson RN (CH Yankee Sebago Nor'Easter UD/RAE x CH Patch MT's Legend in Time RN, TDX). Monson finished his Rally Advanced Title. He is owned and loved by Melissa MacWilliams. Congratulations to Mel and Monson! |
![]() Also at the Lake Region Kennel Club Rally Trial Dawn Eliot Johnson and her Dalmatians Zen (left) AKC/UKC CH Blackthorn & Patch MT Zen at Lucas' Legend ( BISS GCH CH CT RDCH Blackthorn Coreopis of Patch MT BN RE VCD1 OA OAJ NF OAP OJP NFP RD CC CPC ROM x GCH Fiacre's Seeing is Believing (low uric acid Dalmatian) and Lollipop Lucas Legend N Patch MT's Sweet Relief CGC RN enjoyed success. Zen had a near perfect performance on his first trial and earned his first Rally Novice leg with a 2nd place and qualified for his second leg in the afternoon. Lollipop did well too and earned a 3rd place in Rally Advanced and earned a 4th place in the second trial to finish her Rally Advanced title! Congratulations to these awesome Dalmatians and their owner.

Rally Advanced Excellent Title for Thriller
October 15, 2015 at the Souheagan Kennel Club Rally- O show, Thriller, Mapleaf Patch Mt's Dreams Come True BN CD CGCA RA earned his Rally Advanced Excellent title. We are so proud of Thriller and owner, Sara Eastman. They earned a perfect score of 100 in Rally Excellent and a near perfect score in Rally Advanced.
Congratulations to Sara and Thriller for yet another exceptional performance in obedience!
October 15, 2015 at the Souheagan Kennel Club Rally- O show, Thriller, Mapleaf Patch Mt's Dreams Come True BN CD CGCA RA earned his Rally Advanced Excellent title. We are so proud of Thriller and owner, Sara Eastman. They earned a perfect score of 100 in Rally Excellent and a near perfect score in Rally Advanced.
Congratulations to Sara and Thriller for yet another exceptional performance in obedience!

AKC Championship Title for ZEN
August 21,2016 UKC CH Blackthorn & Patch MT's Zen at Lucas Legend earned his AKC Championship title at the Wachusett Kennel Club dog show in Marlborough, MA under judge Mr. Johnny Shoemaker. Zen is owned by Dawn Eliot-Johnson, Sara Pruyne and Linda McSherry.
August 21,2016 UKC CH Blackthorn & Patch MT's Zen at Lucas Legend earned his AKC Championship title at the Wachusett Kennel Club dog show in Marlborough, MA under judge Mr. Johnny Shoemaker. Zen is owned by Dawn Eliot-Johnson, Sara Pruyne and Linda McSherry.